Giants of the Earth Heritage Center -- Passport to Other Cultures: Hmong Diaspora--RESCHEDULED

** Please note that this special event has been rescheduled to THURSDAY, MARCH 30! Date and times in the article have been updated. **

This March, Giants of the Earth Heritage Center is honored to temporarily display much of the collection of a locally-curated Hmong cultural exhibit that grew out of a partnership between the La Crosse Public Library and Hmoob Cultural and Community Agency (HCCA).

On Thursday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m., local experts Yia Vue and Tria Meier are instrumental in bringing this experience to life right here in Spring Grove and will take us through the history of Story Cloths, textiles, and artifacts as they pertain to the migration of the Hmong. Rev. Mike McElwee, Ann Delwiche, and Sibbie will share the history of La Crosse Christ Episcopal Church and their “Friendship Program” that sponsored so many refugees and helped with integration into the La Crosse area. The Hmong textiles and artifacts pop-up exhibit will remain on display for the entire month of March.

This program is open to all ages at Giants of the Earth Heritage Center, 163 W. Main Street, Spring Grove. The building is handicap accessible.

6:30 p.m. – Viewing of Hmong Diaspora exhibit in the Welcome Center
7:00 p.m. – Presentation in Immigrant Hall with our special guests
7:45 p.m. – Question and Answer Time
8:00 p.m. – Samples of Hmong cuisine and beverages, chatting with special guests

Thank you to the following for helping Giants of the Earth celebrate the Hmong culture and heritage this month:
Tricia Babinski family
Heart Rock Coffee
Lane & Mary Zaffke
Charles & Nora Beckjord
Doug & Laurel Rusert
Jean & Sean Young
Abrian & Lara Mendez
Bob & Roxanne Finnesgaard
David & Rachel Storlie

For more information on this:
